Large type (LT) materials have been around for years, and Anchorage Public Library has cultivated a wonderful LT collection. We realize an inclusive and expansive LT collection can help many different groups of library patrons, especially those with vision impairments, brain injuries, or dyslexia. According to the CDC Approximately 12 million people 40 years and over in the United States have vision impairment, including 3 million who have vision impairment after correction, and 8 million who have vision impairment due to uncorrected refractive error.
Currently, APL uses three vendors for LT books and materials. We have a standing order with Thorndike Press, which gives us a 25% discount. Other vendors do not offer discounts on all LT materials, and the books are more expensive than regular print editions, sometimes by as much as $10-12 per book.
Increasing the font size can be done on most electronic reading devices. However, those devices are not available to all patrons, and this solution can also create an increased dependence on electronic devices.
While our older patrons love our LT collection, we also have Juvenile and Young Adult LT collections for struggling readers, English language learners, and even those who just don't want to read with their glasses on. LT is great way for many different people to enjoy APL's collection of titles! LT materials can improve reading fluency, reading comprehension, academic achievement, decrease digital dependence, and most importantly can foster a sustained love of reading. Check out a selection of current LT titles at https://bit.ly/APLLargeTypePicks and use the Large Print filter when searching the catalog.
Check out this video of young readers sharing why they love large type.
Fun Fact: The OpenDyslexic font, on Libby and Hoopla provides greater contrast between letters, making it easier for patrons with Dyslexia to read electronic books with these apps.